Preamble to the Constitution of the UWJSA

In the year 1999, a group of students with common beliefs, concerns, and interests came together to form the University of Windsor Jewish Students Association. They came together with the belief that there was a need to organize the various Jewish students into a more cohesive and coherent group in order to foster opinions, discussions, and activities that would serve all like-minded individuals. The organization is concerned with exploring the moral and political issues of the day that are of importance to both Canadians and Jews alike. Further, it is to promote activities and contacts–both in Windsor and abroad–to better understand Jewish concerns in the local and national communities. This organization is to serve the needs of Jewish students at the University of Windsor and is not concerned exclusively with Jewish issues but with issues that relate to all Canadian university students. Thus, with a view that the Jewish Students Association needed to formalize the various administrative aspects of its organization, the following constitution was set down in writing in the year 2000...[.]

    It is an exciting time for the Jewish Students Association. This semester, we are hosting many social events, including our annual wine and cheese shmooze, Shabbat dinners, and monthly lunch-'n-learns.
    Our lunch-'n-learns not only feature kosher food, but enlightening and entertaining speakers as well. This year we will be inviting faculty from the University and members of the local community to discuss topics concerning contemporary Judaism. The food is always free and everybody is encouraged and welcome to attend. Last year, our lunch-'n-learns were very successful and we hope to make them more popular than ever.
    This year we will also have trips to Ann Arbor for Shabbatons and to the Holocaust Museum in West Bloomfield to commemorat Yom HaShoah. Perhaps we can also participate in the local community's Yom HaShoah events, as we strive to develop a deeper relationship with Windsor's Jewish community.
    Our Social Committee is also planning many off-campus activities, including a trip to Yuk Yuk's, movie nights, pool tournaments, our ever-popular Rambo Paint-Ball and many more social events that Jewish mothers would love to have their university-bound children attend.
  This web-site features a monthly calendar highlighting all of our upcoming events and Jewish holidays, links to other Jewish-related web-sites, online registration, and an "Ask Bubbi" advice column that will be updated every couple of weeks. Our beautiful Bubbi promises to answer every letter and discuss everything–and she means everything (oy!).
    This year we will launch our new Advocacy Committee, which will work with and on behalf of Jewish students at the University. Administered by law students, the Committee will investigate complaints and raise awareness within the University community. The Committee's mandate is to promote an educational environment free from discrimination and harassment, and to ensure that the University's Human Rights Policy is upheld. Our members represent almost every faculty at the University.
    Friendships forged through the JSA can last a lifetime. We hope that this year's social activities, coupled with the Association's commitment to the promotion of Jewish culture, will ensure that Jewish students at the University have a memorable and dynamic experience.

Yours truly,


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